User:Dagoth Ur, Mad God

From This Might Be A Wiki
Dagoth Ur, Mad God's Collection
AlmanacApollo 18Boss Of Me (Single)FloodFloodGleanJohn HenrySevere Tire DamageThey Might Be Giants (Album)Unsupervised
TMBW Userboxes
FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2013.

Twoface.jpg This user doesn't know which John they prefer.

PinkAlbum.png This user's favorite album is Pink.
Lincoln.png This user's favorite album is Lincoln.
Flood.png This user's favorite album is Flood.
BackToSkull.png This user's favorite EP is Back To Skull.

Guitar 45.gif This user plays guitar.

It's not They Might Be Giants, but They Might Be ЖЖЖЖЖiants.

I've known TMBG since 2008, but I only really got into them around the time Nanobots came out.