The Guitar (Williamsburgh Mix)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight)
artist They Might Be Giants
releases The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) (EP), Flood + Apollo 18
year 1992
run time 4:13
sung by John Flansburgh; Laura Cantrell sings the "Lion Sleeps Tonight" chorus


  • This mix is identical to the version on Apollo 18, except for an 8 second instrumental breakdown (featuring sampled drumsticks and bass) near the end and a prominent echo on the vocals.
  • According to Flansburgh, this mix was originally supposed to be the version of "The Guitar" found on Apollo 18, but it was edited down to the final album version after Elektra told the band they thought it was too long.[1]

Song Themes

Animals, Music, Non-John Vocals, Precious Metal, Questions, Science, Songs With Handclaps, Songs With Samples, Space, Telecommunication, Title Not In Lyrics, TMBG Remakes


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The Guitar (Williamsburgh Mix) is currently ranked #344 out of 1032. (16 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.56)