Very strong start to the year of DAS project - I'm still amazed they're even attempting to release a song (and so far a video) every week!
I love this song. Like, "according to I've somehow listened to it over a thousand times in the two and a half months it's been out" love. I am always so into the dark lyrics/cheerful music thing John does (and does so very well), and I think the lyrics to this particular song are pretty damn dark even by his standards, so that makes it even more amazing. And it starts off so innocuously! Orange sweaters are so innocent! But then it gets SO FUCKED UP. The strangulation bit is particularly great. I know we're not that far into the year yet, but it's hard for me to imagine how any of the songs will be better than this one. Then again, I've found it's best to not underestimate Mr. Linnell's abilities. --Self Called Nowhere (talk) 04:43, 18 March 2015 (EDT)
All of the Anchovy links were dead, so I updated them with Wayback Machine page captures. I can't find the place in the archive where it lists the lyric, but I put in a capture of the archive page anyway. There were also no captures of the image file which contained the lyric's gradient (the second link, which I didn't change).
Note that Anchovy has an iOS app which appears to do the same thing as the web app:
Wikipedia's discography page for TMBG lists this as a single. Is this just referring to the DAS release? --ColorOfInfinity (talk) 20:10, 6 August 2022 (EDT)
- I believe it is referring to the DAS release! Ms. Xcitement (talk) 13:36, 31 January 2023 (EST)
Rewriting the Song[edit]
I feel like some of the lyrics in this song are a bit grim, or simply don't fit. I decided to replace some of the lyrics in the song with my own. Below are the original lyrics and my rewrites. Ms. Xcitement (talk) 13:34, 31 January 2023 (EST)
Original lyrics | My rewrite |
I won't wear an orange sweater / When I get it off of me | I won't be around / But you'll still see me |
When darlings must be murdered / When your heartbreak overwhelms your heart | Darlings of imagination singing psychedelic songs / Drifting off to imaginary sleep |
- Pardon, but how does the first rewrite fit into the original rhyme scheme? --You&Me!! (talk) 09:00, 3 February 2023 (EST)
- Doesn't look like they do, they don't scan or rhyme with the original's form.
This song is something else.[edit]
I say this as a lifelong fan of TMBG with full appreciation of their massive and consistently excellent body of work: This genuinely might be a strong case for their best ever song. It is superb. There are so many details that can be pointed to in justification of how bloody good this tune is.
- The simplicity that the song is built from and how it uses structure to propel itself. There's four distinct sections and they're all shuffled masterfully, with the main motif used under multiple sections.
- Rhythmic feel is used in tandem with harmony to make sections distinct. The base of the song bounces between the I and V chords but when the IV finally comes in, it's accompanied by a change in feel that then slingshots back to the main motif and back to the main groove.
- The main vocal melody doubles the bass and one of the guitars with the snare and the other guitar coming down hard on the 2 & 4. it's a one-bar long concept that is led around the major scale without ever really hitting a triad, it's all implied harmony and open fifths.
- The way the chorus section (Button marked erase - where darlings must be murdered) is lyrically flipped the second time around
- The way said chorus section rises into a repeat of the chorus on the third time with a melody that ascends
- the way the post chorus (box on the sidewalk) is a totally distinct and different section with only the vocal melody changing, all the harmony and rhythm is the same as the verse
- the lyrics get weirder and weirder as it goes and there's a strong sense of 'wrongness' permeating the whole situation even beyond the vanishing boxes.
- If this isn't the best TMBG song, then the stanza about the box on the sidewalk and getting on the bus is probably their best ever lyric. -Macdrown (talk)