TMBG Shows In Detroit, MI

From This Might Be A Wiki
Date  VenueCityAttendance
1988-10-23St. Andrew's HallDetroit, MIAttendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Eviltikimonkey
1990-08-03St. Andrew's HallDetroit, MIAttendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Eviltikimonkey
1994-11-03State TheatreDetroit, MIAttendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Eviltikimonkey Knucklehead Jones
2005-07-14Majestic TheaterDetroit, MIAttendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Aliste Eviltikimonkey Francisco Kman510 Lorinofevil Nathew Samforsyth
2007-07-22Max M. Fisher Music Center
(The Concert of Colors)
Detroit, MIAttendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Arithegreat Bowser724 Capn Nacho Culby Dystopian Francisco Freakflag Ganna Kinghawthorn Nathew Poutinstereo Sirubberduckie Zenity
2009-10-08St. Andrew's HallDetroit, MIAttendance (14) 14 wikians attended: BlueCanary Damn1Good1Times Droffats Epros Garybot Imnotthisguy Jnonfiction Jokah Mttrader Musikmadchen Nancy314 Onikoroshi Tproa Zenity
2011-09-17Majestic TheaterDetroit, MIAttendance (12) 12 wikians attended: 3j0hn Chiaro Culby Ganna Geeko55 Kinghawthorn Mattgcn RLJohYouDid Sturdley Swamp Totz the Plaid Tproa
2013-03-19Majestic TheaterDetroit, MIAttendance (9) 9 wikians attended: BlueCanary Droffats Francisco Kinghawthorn Ladychelts Sturdley Supah Swamp Zenity
2018-02-10St. Andrew's HallDetroit, MIAttendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Dabutcher Kayti TeeOS
2020-03-08Majestic Theater
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Detroit, MIAttendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Disinvited Guest Epros Ganna Jadeybeans Skullpants Tedadore2 Twiceremovedfan Twoshoes WhereYourEyesDontGo
2020-03-09Majestic Theater
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Detroit, MIAttendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Dabutcher Disinvited Guest Droffats
2024-05-17Majestic Theater
(Featuring songs from Apollo 18)
Detroit, MIAttendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Cf20936 Disinvited Guest Epros PetriBass Shesgotafang Stupid looking hat Thatmightbeaiden TobyFuby Wildstorkmel
2024-05-18Majestic Theater
(Featuring songs from Mink Car)
Detroit, MIAttendance (11) 11 wikians attended: BathypelagicOrchestra Cf20936 College knockout Disinvited Guest Epros Ganna Shuda7 Skullpants SlackerMagician TeeOS Wildstorkmel

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