Shows/Mono Puff/1996-09-01

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Setlist: (incomplete and out of order)

Mono Puff
Spirit Festival in Kansas City, MO
September 1, 1996 at 6:00 PM

Fan Recaps and Comments:

A short 45 minute set as part of the 1996 Spirit Fest.[1] Brian Doherty filled in on drums for Steve Calhoon. This is the second of two shows that Doherty played with Mono Puff. He spoke about this show in a 2020 interview with the Don't Let's Start podcast:

It wasn't what we were accustomed to. We were playing in clubs with twelve, fifteen hundred people, or small theatres and stuff. We played a music festival where we were not on the main stage, we were kind of like in the other tent. Or maybe we didn't even have tent, just a stage in the middle of the field. There was probably, I want to say, like a hundred people there to see us. But it was good, it was fun. I remember Dan Levine, the trombone player was with us. Eric Schermerhorn played guitar, Hal Cragin played bass. [...] I think we may have done one or two rehearsals, or they had given me a rehearsal tape.