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26 wikians attended: Ajon Ap0phenia BlindGuy Chessp1eceface D-SAR Digma DoctorCadoo Exit12 Hoyden42 Lilisupercool LouRocco Lowqualitygravy Mrsbluebeard Rabbimole RecordCollector06 Silly billy puppet Snoopykore TDK Tedadore2 Thisisheath Tmbgdanfan Truthorsandwiches Unmutual Vvedge Wbrimley Zafiredis
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Set 1:
- Synopsis For Latecomers
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Turn Around
- Dig My Grave
- Narrow Your Eyes
- Mammal
- I Palindrome I
- She's Actual Size
- Fingertips
- Moonbeam Rays
- Brontosaurus
- Shoehorn With Teeth
- The Statue Got Me High
- Damn Good Times
Set 2:
- Man, It's So Loud In Here
- Out Of Jail
- Drown The Clown
- Where Your Eyes Don't Go
- Lie Still, Little Bottle
- Particle Man
- The Darlings Of Lumberland
- Letterbox
- Number Three
- Don't Let's Start
- Bills, Bills, Bills
- 2082
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
Encore 1:
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (John & John only)
- Doctor Worm
Encore 2:
They Might Be Giants
Vic Theatre in Chicago, IL
June 18, 2024
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- My first ever concert. It was incredible. I think right before Damn Good Times was played, Flans claimed Danny had a broken foot and/or ankle. Not sure if that was a joke, cuz it wasn't funny but Danny did not seem very hurt and he was standing and jumping a lot. ALSO!!! The crowd cheered when the horns, Dan, and Flans did a little bit of hand choreography on "drag you by your mind" in Darlings. Despite the Stick being used for Lie Still, I could not here it over what I assume was the crowd chanting "stick" the whole time.
- DUDE! This was my first TMBG concert and it was legitimately a sublime time. Waited outside the Vic for like two hours and all of the fans waiting with me and my friends were so sweet! Managed to snag a front row spot basically right in the center which was super super cool! Every song they played was wonderful (I'm sorry to anyone who saw me jump probably a full foot in the air when they started playing Drown The Clown. Overall, a really wonderful night and I can only hope that Flansy does not bring up QAnon ever again!
- I went with my sister and it was great! This also happens to be my first TMBG concert and I was happy to find out that they were coming to Chicago! We got there pretty early since it isn’t very far (traffic gets horrendous though,) and I got a decent spot that was only a few rows away from the front. Someone gave me a Mink Car bracelet too, which was pretty nice!! Apologies to anyone that might’ve gotten hit by the pride flag I was wearing on my Calabasas hat. The guitar solo in Damn Good Times was awesome!! I’m so happy that I got to see them play live, even with the terrible headache that I had the entire time <:].
- My third TMBG show!I was feeling so nervous, I sat much further back than I normally do. Still, when I yelled "I love you Miller!" He responded with "I'll talk to you later." Amazing show! Probably my favorite show I've ever been to, as they played two of my favorite songs: Letterbox and Don't let's start, the latter of which I'd never seen live before. I cried.