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They Might Be Giants
Ridgefield Playhouse in Ridgefield, CT
October 26, 2003
Fan Recaps and Comments:
Review by Jason Pytka:
I'm a longtime TMBG fan, first time contributor to your site. I was
fortunate enough to attend the show at the Ridgefield Playhouse on Sunday. I was
even more fortunate to obtain the set list from said show... Note that
while it says Symphony Space, this was indeed the Ridgefield, CT show...I can
only assume they recycled the set list.
Wake Up Call: CD version used as intro The Famous Polka: done without the lyrics at the end Where Do They Make Balloons?: Danny on vox Violin: audience directed to do the wave during song "Dr. Evil Vamp": to play Robin on and off stage Istanbul: Dan Miller solo as intro
Review by Andrew Holl:
This was a great show from the combined perspective of both TMBG fans
and educators who just love kids. Three of us went to the show without
kids of our own and loved how well J&J integrated the kids into the
show. At several points they asked the kids to come down front to
dance. During "Sun" they kept asking the kids to scream if they knew
J&J were fibbing about something, and were even successful in fooling
the kids a few times with real truths about the sun. They had the
audience do a front-to-back-back-to-front wave during the bridge of
"Violin" that culminated in an explosion of confetti all over the
theatre that the kids loved. The best moment for me during the show was
during "4 of 2". During the last time through the chorus I heard a
young girl of maybe 4 years behind me sing a loud "two" that resonated
after JL stopped singing. Also, the DFPT is simply hilarious, even for
Review by Skye Sciolto:
It was a nice show, although those of us who were there ultra early
got pissed because when we finally got in we were told
non-museum-members could only sit in the last 5 rows of seats or the
balcony. Tickets were general admission and I'm sure a lot of us would
have joined the museum had we known. So there was a tall person with
big hair in front of me, and she kept moving around. I talked to Kimya
Dawson while I was waiting to get in; I was in costume and she was
complimenting me on it (hey, it was near Halloween and was a very TMBG
related costume—a grocery bag—on the front it was from No!,
on the back it was for Dead). IF the photos of it come out I will send
them. Ditto for the show and signing photos.
Clap Your Hands: "Please stand for the TMBG National Anthem." Had
fathers mumble and kids scream
Fibber Island: Flans screwed up the lyrics and sang 'we eat chocolate by
the pound' twice in a row
Bed Bed Bed: with Kimya Dawson (messed up lyrics at least twice and at one
point seemed not to know what to sing at all—seemed nervous)
Deeply Felt Puppet Theatre: Flans kept going behind the 'stage' and
I knew Goldie was back there; she wasn't introduced until
In The Middle, was introduced as Mrs. Evil. This was
funny, especially being narrated by Flans.
Violin: with wave AND confetti cannons. Linnell said to a kid who picked up
confetti to put it down because it was HIS confetti
In the Middle: Goldie wearing same red puppet cape and two foam hands,
saying they were her real hands
Istanbul: blurb from Flans about why they respect Miller so much and call
him sir, how he spends hours practicing so that he can be better than
him, etc.
Why Does The Sun Shine: had the kids be a lie detector—scream when they
heard stuff that was not true in the song) Kids screamed when the stuff
they were singing was indeed true, and Flans said 'we have some
doubters', then later when kids screamed and stuff was true (a million
earths could fit inside the sun) and Flans said it was true, Linnell
argued. The nuclear reactions are between Skittles, Sweet Tarts, Mentos,
Ford Trucks, Cadillac Escalades, and other stuff.
I was there with my friend and my SO and we met up with some brand new
fans who were really into it and had a blast. Both Johns and Kimya were
signing for a long time.