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6 wikians attended: Eitingon Eviltikimonkey Fitch Garit MikeHollywood Mr.snail
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McSweeney's set:
TMBG set:
- Well I Wonder (cover of a Smiths song)
- Bed Bed Bed
- John Lee Supertaster
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Clap Your Hands
- James K. Polk
- Why Does The Sun Shine?
- Space Krickets
- Man, It's So Loud In Here
- Dead
- In The Middle
- Doctor Worm
- Drink!
- Particle Man
- New York City
They Might Be Giants
Royce Hall in Los Angeles, CA
April 24, 2003
Fan Recaps and Comments:
Review by Dustin:
Great Show!! I enjoyed McSweeney's show which lasted about an hour. When TMBG came on everyone was in their seats, then Flansy invited everyone closer commenting that they were really not one of those sit down bands! Where's Wicked Little Critta???