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- Clap Your Hands
- Bed Bed Bed
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Fingertips
- John Lee Supertaster
- The Statue Got Me High
- In The Middle
- She's Actual Size
- Au Contraire
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Doctor Worm
- Drink!
- On The Drag
- Dead
- Four Of Two
- Pet Name
- Cyclops Rock
- Why Does The Sun Shine?
- Spin The Dial
- Older
- Jazz Waltz In C
- No!
- Dig My Grave
Encore #1:
Encore #2:
They Might Be Giants
Orpheum in Madison, WI
October 23, 2002
Fan Recaps and Comments:
Review by Jennifer Van Hammond:
First off, what a venue! The Barrymore is always classic but I think the
band loved this venue even more. Great sound, close to campus, very cozy.
Heck you know its small when the soundboard is slammed against the back wall
to get somewhat away from the stage!
Great show, was surprised to get so many No songs actually. Very disappointed in the lack of old material but still loved the show and my 3 hours + of driving to and from the show.
Show had some absolutely priceless banter between songs, I have heard some classic jokes and such but they were exceptionally funny this night, really funny since they always comment on the VOLUME of facial hair in Madison!
Sure hope this play this venue again next time in town!