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18 wikians attended: BenShoemaker Brian miller Djcomfyfroggywitch Garybot Harringtonj85 Kevin Leebenningfield Lunarstr42 Mr. Vanity Klaw Richegreen Riptor3000 Selfcallednowhere Shadowarmy Tmb G TMBG FOREVER Trent Up the Library Steps Zak
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They Might Be Giants
— with Suzanne Vega, Patti Smith opening —
Hatch Shell in Boston, MA
May 25, 2002 at 4:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
review by Nate
Concert lasted about half an hour, but it was still great. Johns were very open to going out to meet the audience because most people there actually were not there to see TMBG but actually the follow-up acts. Oddly, John L didn't show up after the concert so...So, if you wanted to meet Flans/talk to Flans/get any or everything signed by Flans it was a-ok. Overall, for being a free concert, I give it two thumbs up!