Low Stakes

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Low Stakes show artwork

Low Stakes w/ John F. was a weekly free-form radio show hosted by John Flansburgh on Jeffersonville, New York-based public radio station WJFF Radio Catskill. The show ran from June 2020 until January 2022. It was broadcast every Friday at 9 PM ET on the station and its website.


Blurb from the WJFF website:

John F. spins music from all recorded genres, with everything from today's latest releases to field recordings from the 1930s. Thoughtfully curated with your mind in mind!

Prior to getting his own WJFF show, Flansburgh guest-hosted two episodes of The Secret Show (normally hosted by Bryan Sheehan) on WJFF on May 7 and 14, 2020. Three weeks later, Low Stakes began airing on June 5, 2020. Flansburgh had been using the Low Stakes name since 2017 for a series of playlists on the They Might Be Giants Spotify page, similarly highlighting selections of songs by some of his favorite artists.

Episodes were produced remotely at home by Flansburgh and were sent to WJFF for broadcast. The shows were archived on the station's website and Flansburgh's Mixcloud page shortly after airing. Between groups of tracks, Flansburgh often shared anecdotes about the selections, and referred to himself as "your radio pal, John F." or "your make-believe DJ." For bed music, he typically used instrumentals by Raymond Scott or the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Flansburgh described his process putting together the show in a 2021 Tumblr post:

I have a show every week so I'm not looking to do anything that takes up oodles of hours or requires a lot of research. It's a freeform show so all the hard left turns of style and sensibility are kind of baked in. I do track the charts and all the new releases to keep things fresh (I find it fun to play the number one song in the world-so many people have lost track of that part of pop culture. #1s just aren't as ubiquitous as you'd think!)

The show came to an end in January 2022. Flansburgh explained on Tumblr: "Things have been heating up on the writing and recording front [with They Might Be Giants] so I'm on an unofficial sabbatical. Not even sure when I'll get back, although now that it's not part of my week I miss it!"

Episode playlists[edit]


January 14, 2022[edit]

Repeat of January 15, 2021

January 7, 2022[edit]

December 31, 2021[edit]

December 24, 2021[edit]

December 17, 2021[edit]

December 10, 2021[edit]

Repeat of December 3, 2021

December 3, 2021[edit]

Theme: Stephen Sondheim Tribute

November 26, 2021[edit]

Theme: Psychedelic Music

November 19, 2021[edit]

November 12, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud
Theme: Censored and Banned Music

November 5, 2021[edit]

October 29, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud

October 22, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud

October 15, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud

October 8, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud

October 1, 2021[edit]

Theme: Bottle Episode

September 24, 2021[edit]

September 17, 2021[edit]

September 10, 2021[edit]

Repeat of September 11, 2020

September 3, 2021[edit]

August 27, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud

August 20, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud

August 13, 2021[edit]

Theme: WJFF Pledge Drive
Repeat of April 23, 2021

August 6, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud
Theme: WJFF Pledge Drive

July 30, 2021[edit]

July 23, 2021[edit]

Theme: Low Stakes' Greatest Hits, Week Two

July 16, 2021[edit]

Theme: Low Stakes' Greatest Hits, Week One

July 9, 2021[edit]

July 2, 2021[edit]

Theme: An hour of power pop!

June 25, 2021[edit]

Theme: A belated Juneteenth celebration

Medley of Songs That Sample "Funky Drummer" (1970):

June 18, 2021[edit]

June 11, 2021[edit]

June 4, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud
Theme: "Tonight, let's all make love in London" UK Special (Part 2)

May 28, 2021[edit]

Listen: Mixcloud

May 21, 2021[edit]

Theme: In honor of Dylan's 80th, an evening of music from several artists who were considered "the new Bob Dylan."

May 14, 2021[edit]

May 7, 2021[edit]

April 30, 2021[edit]

April 23, 2021[edit]

April 16, 2021[edit]

April 9, 2021[edit]

April 2, 2021[edit]

March 26, 2021[edit]

Theme: "Songs About Happiness and Rickenbacker Guitars"

March 19, 2021[edit]

March 12, 2021[edit]

March 5, 2021[edit]

February 26, 2021[edit]

February 19, 2021[edit]

Theme: "The 'going' edition."

February 5, 2021[edit]

Theme: "Smoking, drugs, plus one segment of all new releases"

January 29, 2021[edit]

January 22, 2021[edit]

Theme: "Tonight Let's All Make Love in London"

January 15, 2021[edit]

January 8, 2021[edit]

January 1, 2021[edit]

December 25, 2020[edit]

Theme: "The last bit of Christmas music for 2020"

December 18, 2020[edit]

December 11, 2020[edit]

Theme: "John F.'s soul spectacular"

December 4, 2020[edit]

November 27, 2020[edit]

November 20, 2020[edit]

November 13, 2020[edit]

October 30, 2020[edit]

October 23, 2020[edit]

October 16, 2020[edit]

October 9, 2020[edit]

October 2, 2020[edit]

Theme: "A full hour tribute to the compositions, productions, arrangements and performances of Allen Toussaint. Everything this shows plays is going to be funky."

September 25, 2020[edit]

Theme: "An hour of hard lefts and rights because it is being put together very spontaneously"

September 18, 2020[edit]

September 11, 2020[edit]

September 4, 2020[edit]

August 28, 2020[edit]

Repeat of August 21, 2020

August 21, 2020[edit]

Theme: Soul music

August 14, 2020[edit]

August 7, 2020[edit]

July 31, 2020[edit]

July 24, 2020[edit]

Theme: Dance party!

July 17, 2020[edit]

Mini Theme: Songs with "one note things" (saxophone in "Flying Home", guitar in "Cinnamon Girl", and saxophone in "Corn Bread")

July 10, 2020[edit]

Theme: Songs you may know more popular versions of.

July 3, 2020[edit]

June 26, 2020[edit]

June 19, 2020[edit]

June 12, 2020[edit]

June 5, 2020[edit]

May 14, 2020[edit]

Theme: John F. fills in for The Secret Show

May 7, 2020[edit]

Theme: John F. fills in for The Secret Show

External links[edit]