I Need Some Lovin'
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | I Need Some Lovin' |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Unreleased, Dial-A-Song, Power Of Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work |
year | 1983 |
run time | 1:12 |
sung by | Jennifer Neff; John Flansburgh is heard saying "Pow!" |
- A rumor circulating among fans for years said that the Johns claimed vocals for this song came from a Jem and the Holograms cassette tape that came included with a toy, on top of which they laid their own beat. However, on Dial-A-Song in 1989[1], John Flansburgh introduced the song as being sung their friend Jennifer Neff (who also lent her voice for the character "Doris Cunningham" on a 1985 promotional cassette[2]).
- This song was also one of the first recordings to be put into rotation on Dial-A-Song in 1983[3], and was also featured on a 1985 song list, dating to before the band's first album.
- This song was mentioned in the Asbury Park Press on Feb. 16, 1990:
"It's a double rock block," said the taped voice on the other end when I called They Might Be Giants' Dial-A-Song service (718-387-6962) Tuesday.
There were two songs, one a short, silly a capella ditty that managed to use the word "contemptuously" a couple of times and make it sound musical, the other a longer, silly blues played on what sounded like a $49 synthesizer that featured a guest female vocalist rhyming "I need some lovin'" with "turtle dovin."
- On most Dial-A-Song recordings, this song is played back to back with "I Find It Hard To Believe."
- The bridge of this song is very similar to the bridge of "Lie Still, Little Bottle."
- The line tears running down my spine is a reference to "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" by Phil Ochs.
Song Themes
Animals, Colors, Hair, Mind Control, Hypnotism, Non-John Vocals, Puns, Reading, Recycled Material, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Sea, Sex, Spines, Telecommunication
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