I Find It Hard To Believe

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name I Find It Hard to Believe
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased, Dial-A-Song, Power Of Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work
year 1984
run time 0:39
sung by John Linnell


"It's a double rock block," said the taped voice on the other end when I called They Might Be Giants' Dial-A-Song service (718-387-6962) Tuesday.

There were two songs, one a short, silly a capella ditty that managed to use the word "contemptuously" a couple of times and make it sound musical, the other a longer, silly blues played on what sounded like a $49 synthesizer that featured a guest female vocalist rhyming "I need some lovin'" with "turtle dovin."

Song Themes

A Cappella


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I Find It Hard To Believe is currently ranked #947 out of 1031. (17 wikians have given it an average rating of 6.95)