Hovering Sombrero (Nicolo Demo)

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(Redirected from Hovering Sombrero (Demo 2))

song name Hovering Sombrero
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song, Music From Malcolm In The Middle (Promo)
year 1999
run time 2:15
sung by John Linnell


  • The second verse of the song is in Spanish. Linnell says in response to a question in an online interview;
    "I made it up in my incredibly crippled high school Spanish that um… In no defense—I made up some of the words. They’re not actually Spanish words […] The version you heard of Hovering Sombrero is a little bit of a provisional lyric and is not completely finished. But I just thought it would be nice to put that one together. What I was sort of trying to get across is in the second verse which is in Spanish is that I wish I was a better singer, I wish I was a better songer."

Song Themes

Clothes, Forgetting And Remembering, Geography, Heads, Language, Music, No, Occupations, Questions, Spanish, Time, Windows


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