Drew Westphal
From This Might Be A Wiki
Drew Westphal, also known by the moniker Scarface, is the henchman employed by Jonathan Coulton to reply to e-mails and sell merchandise at shows. He is best known to TMBG fans for programming TMBG's iOS and Android app, which was designed by Hine Mizushima and Paul Sahre. His name comes from the name of the assistant in the JoCo song "Skullcrusher Mountain". Prior to Westphal's occupation of the position, Scarface was the pseudonym for Coulton's previous assistant, Meaghan O'Connell, though it seems the position has been filled by multiple others.
Scarface has also been known to join TMBG and company for poker.
External links[edit]
- Scarface article at JoCopedia
- Westphal's LinkedIn page