Birdhouse In Your Soul (Demo)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Birdhouse in Your Soul
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased, Dial-A-Song, Power Of Dial-A-Song
year 1988
run time 1:59
sung by John Linnell


Before we got noticed we did this thing called Dial-A-Song to get our music heard. You basically rang a phone number and heard a song free of charge. A really embryonic version of Birdhouse in Your Soul was on Dial-A-Song as a one-minute demo a good year before we signed to Elektra.
  • The lines "I don't feel thirty" and "Give me something to write on!" are likely references to the Van Halen song "Hot for Teacher" and its lines "I don't feel tardy" and "Gimme something to write on, man." The band has been known to break into "Hot for Teacher" during performances of "Masshole" as well.
  • This demo was partially played, through Dial-A-Song, in a 1989 interview with the band on NPR's Fresh Air.

Song Themes

Age, Animals, Clothes, Colors, Death, Food, Loneliness, Money, Oblique Cliches, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Size, Sleep (Theme), Time, Transportation, Writing


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Birdhouse In Your Soul (Demo) is currently ranked #99 out of 1014. (39 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.98)