From This Might Be A Wiki
Date  VenueCityAttendance
1988-12-29TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1992-12-31TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Arbitropia Davidcl Deanna
(early show)
Philadelphia, PAAttendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Ajmilner Deanna Lammyjam Pudge94 TDK Zaph
(late show)
Philadelphia, PAAttendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Deanna Ellebea FezzikMcGuffin Inturnaround Micahmj11 Pudge94 TDK TomInBoston TVsKyle Zaph Zigme
1998-10-13TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Chillpower FezzikMcGuffin Lammyjam Micahmj11 Oddjob Pudge94 Shepritz TDK
2000-11-24TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Chillpower Chimpoozle FezzikMcGuffin Harringtonj85 Lammyjam Micahmj11 Psuabq Rossum Shepritz TDK
(McSweeney's show)
Philadelphia, PAAttendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Callaflower Chillpower Chimpoozle FezzikMcGuffin Lammyjam LolaGeek Micahmj11 Samantha TDK ThisMightBeAndy
2004-09-30TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Afraidofpop Chillpower Chimpoozle Frodolives Glassofmilk Kayakcup LolaGeek Micahmj11 Mlith35 Musicologyman Pacdude Repugnant Shepritz Stoat TDK ThisMightBeAndy Twentyagon
2006-05-12TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (38) 38 wikians attended: Afraidofpop Amy Beanmom Blind Simeon Chillpower Chimpoozle ChrissMari Crabs Quartucci Craighecht Derekcap Frodolives HeyErikLeafinson I am a Sax Player Kayakcup Lammyjam Leolapyre LolaGeek Mareegirl42 Micahmj11 Milli Mlith35 Musicologyman Nixmonico Obsessical Orangepeel PhillyCrow Resident RLJohYouDid Sensurround29 Shepritz Some guy with an foot TDK ThisMightBeAndy Tvman Twentyagon Vvedge Zak Zakolita
2007-11-24TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (49) 49 wikians attended: Alexandria Analogkid Beanmom Bells12 Blind Simeon Blueruin Callaflower Ceritain People I named Chillpower Chimpoozle Davidcl Drezin DustinDaShelf Frodolives Goldie1028 GreenteaAT8 HeyErikLeafinson I am a Sax Player Juttman Kassi KathyK Kayakcup Ladognome Leolapyre LolaGeek Manderinxorange Maxemaze Micahmj11 Mlith35 Mollytmbg Moofy Mr. 77 Mrdo82 Musicologyman Oddjob Orangepeel Pacdude PhillyCrow Poutinstereo Samantha Sensurround29 Stoat TDK The Great Vowel Shift ThisMightBeAndy Tvman Twentyagon Vvedge Zakolita
2008-12-31aTLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (35) 35 wikians attended: Apathedron Beatle Vette Bells12 BlixieB Chillpower Chimpoozle Dante Davidcl Duende Ferreteers Flameshadow117 FrankEinstein Frodolives HeyErikLeafinson Homestar Golfer Kayakcup Kermit1234 LolaGeek LordHuffnPuff Micahmj11 Mpm Mr. 77 Nectar Obsessical Ovenmitt Poutinstereo RatherDashing Shepritz Skroach Sullenmoon TDK Theymightbe1984 ThisMightBeAndy Tvman WitheredHope
Philadelphia, PAAttendance (33) 33 wikians attended: Ajmilner Beatle Vette Bells12 Chimpoozle ChrissMari DarKrow Deanna Duende Epros Ferreteers Flameshadow117 FrankEinstein Frodolives HeyErikLeafinson Homestar Golfer I am a Sax Player Kayakcup Lelegion Micahmj11 Mlith35 Nectar OptToMiss Ovenmitt Poutinstereo RatherDashing RLJohYouDid Sensurround29 Skroach TDK Theymightbe1984 ThisMightBeAndy Vvedge WitheredHope
(Family Show)
Philadelphia, PAAttendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Bangs Bells12 Callaflower Micahmj11 Shepritz Thelion ThisMightBeAndy Torgo Tvman
2011-09-30bTLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (38) 38 wikians attended: Apollo Arbitropia BeanGirl Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary Chillpower Corndog1371 Curiosite DarKrow Druclotwo Ferreteers Frodolives Garybot Goldie1028 Johnreale KathyK Kayakcup Ladognome Lekker LolaGeek Micahmj11 Mkpiano Mlith35 Pacdude PhillyCrow RLJohYouDid Rossum Rsreale Shepritz Sullenmoon TDK Tenderfoot Tvman Vvedge WizTermy Yomoneyboat Zondry
2013-04-05bTLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (21) 21 wikians attended: Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary Chillpower Chimpoozle Corndog1371 Ferreteers Goldie1028 James.K.Folk Johnreale Kayakcup Micahmj11 My1973vw PhillyCrow Rsreale Shepritz Sullenmoon TDK Tvfactoryguy Vvedge Yomoneyboat
2015-04-25TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (25) 25 wikians attended: Ajmilner Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Chillpower Chimpoozle Dante EconolineVan Ferreteers Goldie1028 Indie Cysion James.K.Folk Johnreale Kayakcup LolaGeek MartyBellerMask Marydan Micahmj11 PhillyCrow Primitiveancestry95 Scottscottscott TDK Thelion Vvedge
2016-04-10TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (40) 40 wikians attended: Ajon Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Chillpower Chimpoozle ChrissMari Corndog1371 Dante Disinvited Guest Dr-worm Eee Ferreteers FriendlyLocalGeek Goldie1028 Greatquux GrizonII Houseofmayors Indie Cysion James.K.Folk Jams Jokah Kayakcup Kevin Lammyjam LolaGeek MartyBellerMask Micahmj11 Mr. 77 PhillyCrow RLJohYouDid RonAmoriM Rsreale Slowly Twisting TDK Tmbgdanfan Vvedge Waymu Yomoneyboat
2018-04-28TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Chillpower ChrissMari Ferreteers Indie Cysion Kayakcup Lammyjam LolaGeek MartyBellerMask Micahmj11 PhillyCrow RLJohYouDid Scottscottscott Slowly Twisting Spookytara TDK Tmbgdanfan Vvedge Yomoneyboat Zondry
2018-12-31TLAPhiladelphia, PAAttendance (32) 32 wikians attended: Ackyri Ajmilner Annadacanada Areyoumyana Beanboy89 Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ ChrissMari Dave1dmarx Disinvited Guest ElfLady Ggerrietts Indie Cysion Kayakcup Micahmj11 Minimumwage NeatStringer PhillyCrow RLJohYouDid Selfcallednowhere Sirubberduckie Slowly Twisting Spookytara Stoat SubliminalJK TDK Vidiot Vvedge Wireless mike Yomoneyboat

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