
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes
Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

Fm45.png This user has a page.

SV This user has rated the following songs.

Globe.png This user lives in
Denver, CO.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2005.

Miscellaneous T.png This user's favorite album is Miscellaneous T.
Charlottesville 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Charlottesville.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Rhythm Section Want Ad.

Baritone Saxophone.jpg This user plays saxophone.

Accordion 45a.gif This user plays accordion

Babel keyboard.jpg This user plays keyboard.

Hi, I'm Peter. I live in Denver, CO.

I'm always looking for people to play music with, and would be open to a file-swapping long-distance-band sort of thing.

musical myspace here

I also like to be emailed at

Nice to meet you!