User:Salt-Man Z

From This Might Be A Wiki
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Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is Salt-Man Z's favorite band.
FAN Salt-Man Z became a TMBG fan in 1994.
FAV Salt-Man Z's favorite TMBG song is currently Miniature Sidewalk Whirlwind.
SV Salt-Man Z has rated the following songsLink Removed.
The Spine Surfs Alone.png Salt-Man Z's favorite EP is
The Spine Surfs Alone.
Babel keyboard.jpg Salt-Man Z plays piano.


Real name: Chris Hawks
Homepage: SMZp
Blog: SMZb

  • Longtime TMBG fan. I've recently burned my entire TMBG CD collection to MP3, and have been scouring the Net for downloads of live shows, rarities, etc.

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