Talk:Fantasy Interview

From This Might Be A Wiki

I heard one live recording some time ago, where Flansburgh, I think, introduces a song by saying "I'm really high right now." He's also mentioned his often potsmoking stagecrew before, so there you are with the drugs question. --Ed

(As text doesn't always get across the exact mean, Desck wants to know: I assume he said that in jest, right?)

According to a recent TMBG newsletter-email-thing, Flansy is a fan of Outkast. Not exactly conventional "yo homies" rap, but rap, indeed. Also, Flans has produced a couple of Laura Cantrell tracks. Again, not exactly conventional "yeehaw" country music, but I'd consider her a country singer. -- Rhinoceros Rex

I just want your half

In answer to SweetAfton23's question number four:'s Ana Ng interp has all the answers you seek:

Now examine the bridge of the song: it has been noted that the bridge mentions a bridge, which may be intentional humor. The quote did not, in fact, come from a bridge, though it had been reported to be painted on a few later, as a joke. The quote come s from "a conversation we had about money," according to the Johns. Not necessarily significant to the theme of the song.

In the beginning of Music From Another Room it shows a shot of a bridge that has the infamous "I don't want the world" line written on it. It's just something interesting considering that Music From Another Room came out about 10 years after Lincoln and it was filmed in L.A. - hermy-o-ninny