Schoolchildren Singing Particle Man

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Schoolchildren Singing Particle Man
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song, Then: The Earlier Years, Selections From Then, Podcast 22A
year 1993
run time 2:05
sung by Schoolchildren


  • According to the TMBG Info Club newsletter, the vocalists on this track (whose identities were lost and whereabouts unknown when creating the liner notes for "Then") were discovered to be Mrs. Belaire's second grade class of 1990, from Ottawa Elementary School in Buchanan, Michigan. The music director was Tim McCarthy, who wrote in to the Info Club to confirm the identities of the youngsters. "Tim taught the song to the kids as part of his rigorous curriculum and thought we might want to check out their intepretation."
  • From the FAQ archive, this is John Linnell's favorite version of Particle Man.
  • The Dial-A-Song version of this track is 5 seconds longer, due to some 'garbage' being trimmed from the Then version.

Song Themes

Children, Heads, Non-John Vocals, People (Imaginary), Questions, School, Science, Shapes, Size, Songs With Handclaps, Super-Human Qualities, Time, Water


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Schoolchildren Singing Particle Man is currently ranked #917 out of 1016. (41 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.03)