Out Of A Tree

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Out of a Tree
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Why?
year 2015
run time 2:36
sung by John Flansburgh


  • This full-length song was based on the 30-second song "Tree", originally written by They Might Be Giants in 2006 for a Dunkin' Donuts commercial during the America Runs On Dunkin' campaign.
  • Tim Cawley, one of the creative writers on the Dunkin' campaign, is given special thanks in the Why? liner notes for the phrase "Get your eight-year-old out of a tree."

Song Themes

Age, Children, Plants, Sadness, Size, Water, Weather


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Out Of A Tree is currently ranked #573 out of 1016. (18 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.11)