Interpretations:Extra Savoir-Faire

From This Might Be A Wiki

Interpretation 2

It's about a man dreaming about someone (an alternate version of him?) who's all classy and cool and better and taller than everyone and loved by the ladies. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 15:05, September 2, 2004

Interpretation 3

This is Flans 'crooning' like one of his idols, Old Blue Eyes, Frank "The Chairman of the Board" Sinatra. One of Sinatra's techniques was to sing slightly late "off the beat", giving his renditions a swanky, "boozy" insouciance. Flansburgh has incorporated this trick to fun effect in this song. --Nehushtan 21:29, 25 Mar 2006 (CST)

Interpretation 4

Savoir-Faire means knowing what to do. So saying "what's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire" is ironic and funny. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 15:16, May 21, 2006

Actually, the whole song is ironic. It also apparently means knowing the graceful thing to say or do. One can't exactly say that insulting people and acting like you're so superior to them is graceful. It's a very funny song, really. ~Anna Ng (from school) 18:43, December 13, 2006

Why is this song rated so low?!?!?!?!?!

That is all.

The other interpretations are pretty good. I'm gonna have to go with all of them. I had never thought of the irony in the statement, "What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?" Anna Ng's addition to that interpretation was insightful as well. --Tyrannosaurus George 21:46, July 25, 2011

Disco Thoughts

this is quite a bit of a stretch but it's a flansberg song, so that's what it's there for! "savoir faire" is a funky disco instrumental song by 80s one hit wonder, which you probably know from "le freak", that song that goes "freak out!!!!!!". so even though savoir faire means "know how" "sophistication" or "suaveness", you can read a fun double entendre about his "extra savoir faire" being freakiness. both awkwardness with women or being a "freak" in bed. love this one

John Henry is All About the Same Death, But in Alternate Realities Tour

Alright, after a six-month hiatus due to me forgetting about this, the tour resumes! Alright. Ok, this guy offends a group of smaller people by calling them "elves." And he's very selfish and self-centred about it. And they get so annoyed about this guy, that they kill him...well, that's all.

I know it's not strong, but have any interpretations from this tour been strong? Anyways, the next stop is Interpretations:Why Must I Be Sad? See you maybe four months. - HotelDetectiveInTheFuture🪗 talk 🎸