Interpretations:Counterfeit Faker

From This Might Be A Wiki

A whole Rock Opera!:

  • Counterfeit Fake
A guy gets into a fight w/ his identical twin. First one calls the other a counterfeit fake, then the other does the same.
  • Broke in Two
The twin gets REALLY mad and runs off angrily.
  • My Evil Twin
Duh, the twin goes bad.
  • Counterfeit Faker
He thinks he can take 'em.
  • B. Wants to Hit.
He gets beat up by his evil twin.
  • Spine
Beat up, depressed, tired-that's where he is now.
  • Birdhouse in Your Soul
He tries to get the evil twin to stop being evil.
  • I Can't Hide from My Mind
This is the twin, not being evil.
  • Counterfeit Fake (Reprise)
The name is used again, now affectionately. "Oh, you Counterfeit Fake, you!"

(LIABILITY: Don't take this seriously. I did NOT actually think that, I just made it up for fun.)


I think it's about a guy whose nemesis is his own reflection. He continuously tries to confront the doppelganger, but always ends up smashing into mirrors and windows. AngleBlueprint (talk) 22:40, 29 March 2020 (EDT)

Paxus Calta

Could Mr. Flansburgh be singing about his brother, Paxus Calta? To put it nicely, they live opposite lifestyles. And they don't get along very well, at all.