From This Might Be A Wiki
Song that mention various pieces of furniture.
Central theme
- Bed Bed Bed
- Coffee Table Of Love
- Leeds - Lists the Leeds Irish Center's furnishings
- Memphis - "Redecorate my living room exactly like it"
- Moving - About reluctantly moving a sleeper sofa and air hockey table
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
- The House At The Top Of The Tree
Briefly mentioned
- A Self Called Nowhere - "But I'm thinking of a wooden chair", "That lies in the bed"
- Albany - "Carpet, wood trim, and some velvet drapes"
- The Army's Tired Now - "Tired of waiting on the couch"
- Be Patient - "The deck swing is rocking / The cat is sitting on the bed"
- Breaking Glass - "Don't look at the carpet"
- Can You Find It? - "Is it under the chair?"
- Dedicated - "I sit in my chair just beyond the sunlight of the window and speak out"
- Definition Of Good - "Blanket over the dinner table makes a house"
- Fun Assassin - "Smash out all the lights, kicking at my chair"
- Goatee - "Avatars are coming to sleep on your couch"
- Hearing Aid - "Don't say the electric chair's not good enough"
- Helicopters Of Elves - "Standing on lamps", "Back of a bookshelf"
- House Of Mayors - "An infinite row of unoccupied chairs in a big room upstairs"
- I Palindrome I (Dial-A-Song) - "Not like I'm driving a rocking chair now"
- I Am Invisible - "Almost knocking over a lamp"
- Kids Go! - "Get up off the couch and go!", "Get up off your chair and go go go!", "Get up off your chair and go!"
- Lucky Ball & Chain - "Now I rock a barstool and I drink for two"
- Monsters Of Mud - "On your carpet, on my couch"
- Narrow Your Eyes - "Split the side off the bed"
- Philadelphia - "Wherever you sit, an empty chair"
- Pon Pon (Demo) - "Splitting a bunk with a mariner drunk"
- Prepare - "Adjust your chair and clear your throat"
- Robert Lowell - "I am 40 given a year in Robert Lowell's electric chair"
- Rocket Ship - "Messed up my face when we fell off the sofa"
- Shoehorn With Teeth - "He asks a girl if they can both sit in a chair"
- Stand On Your Own Head - "They say we are out of furniture"
- The Statue Got Me High - "The evidence had vanished from my charred and smoking chair"
- Thankful For Your Service - "The sleeping bag that I keep rolled up and stashed behind my couch"
- Unpronounceable - "Now I spend my days and nights looking at a depression on the sofa"
- When It Rains It Snows - "And the furniture's barely been moved"
- Worried Sleep - "Dreamed I made this world in my bed"