From This Might Be A Wiki
4 wikians attended: Duende Jokah Lorinofevil Münsterlander747
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- Victorious Intro
- Clap Your Hands
- Bed Bed Bed
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Fingertips
- John Lee Supertaster
- The Statue Got Me High
- In The Middle
- She's Actual Size
- Au Contraire
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Doctor Worm
- Drink!
- On The Drag
- Dead
- Four Of Two
- Pet Name
- Cyclops Rock
- Why Does The Sun Shine?
- Older
- Jazz Waltz In C
- No!
- Dig My Grave
- Violin
- Spin The Dial
- Boss Of Me (Theme Version)
- James K. Polk
They Might Be Giants
Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor, MI
October 21, 2002