From This Might Be A Wiki
10 wikians attended: Arben Eviltikimonkey FrankEinstein Garit MikeHollywood MrBlame My Insatiable One The Vanishing Dot Wally Brando Yankamerica
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- How Can I Sing Like A Girl?
- Pencil Rain
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Marty Beller Mask
- Cloisonné
- Alphabet of Nations
- Old Pine Box
- The Mesopotamians
On the setlist but not played:
They Might Be Giants
Amoeba Music in Hollywood, CA
November 15, 2011 at 6:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- Fun in-store performance and signing with the Johns and Marty only. Linnell brought up his discomfort at being on constant "cell phone surveillance" at shows these days.
- "Judy" was on the set list but was not played.