User talk:Moofy

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Revision as of 00:49, 26 April 2008 by Richegreen (talk | contribs)

ZOMG Moofy is so cool



As is that were a shocker...;p --LukeRetius

lol, hi. I'm fine, thanks. :-) Sorry it took me so long to reply. *wince* Also, sorry, no AIM.

Yeah, my name's Lee. Are you friends with that Jen girl?

how come I'm at the bottom of your awesome list? --Richegreen 06:25, 17 May 2007 (UTC) ..... oh I get it, that alphabetical order thing is total bullshit? --Richegreen 04:49, 26 April 2008 (UTC)

Whooshes! Hullo, it's me! Remember, we met at the show at the Chicago zoo last July! Soooo, you went to the show in St. Louis? I wanted to go so bad! I heard it was really cold, though. Do you remember back in Chicago when I said that i'd sit through a snowstorm to see TMBG? I wouldn't have minded snow, and I wouldn't have minded cold, but my parents were not wild with driving 10 hours to stand out in the cold. So I didn't end up going. I suppose there will be other chances when it's warmer, though. And closer. So yeah, um, just wanted to say hi and stuff. --Ganna

Hi Moofy! It's me, Ganna. There's a concert comming up in Cleveland. Are you going? That's pretty close to Cincinnati, right? I'm going! It's at the place called the Beachland Ballroom. Have you been there before by any chance? if so, what should I expect, are there, like, chairs set up or is it one of those deals where everyone stands? Sorry for all the questions, but I want to be prepared! Thanx, -Ganna

Aw, that's too bad. Have fun on your trip, though! Hopefully you can make it to another concert soon. Beachland Ballroom... yeah, i guess it makes sice that it'd be a standing sort of place. I hope I won't be in a situation where I can't see over the heads of the people in front of me again! Ha ha thanks, and see ya! :-) --Ganna

Date change alert

One upcoming show date for which you were marked as planning to attend—November 12, 2007 at Newport Music Hall—has been moved up to November 7. In addition, tickets for the show are also now available for sale; click the ticket link on the Shows page to purchase them through Ticketmaster. -TMBTickets 21:21, 13 August 2007 (UTC)

'Ello there.

u were there?!?! did u go to the earlier or the later show? were there different timed shows? lol i think i went to the earlier one...
see! we could've met each other without even knowing it! haha


Hello! I've heard of you from Capital Q and goatbrains :D Nice to finally meet the famous Moofy- --Jade 00:59, 27 March 2008 (UTC)