Youth Culture Killed My Dog (Dial-A-Song)
From This Might Be A Wiki
This song was made available exclusively to members of the They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club.
Information about some IFC material was originally unavailable on TMBW, but due to the availability of details about these projects elsewhere online, we have decided to catalog them in the spirit of remaining an accurate and complete TMBG knowledge base. Per the IFC oath, distributing or requesting IFC-exclusive content is still prohibited.
song name | Youth Culture Killed My Dog |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024 |
year | 1983 |
run time | 2:28 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, John Linnell on backup |
- Recorded at the band's rehearsal spot at DeKalb Avenue according to John Flansburgh, who commented on the recording:
This recording is an attempt to get louder sounds into the mix, including a fuzz box on the snare drum (possibly a mistake). The vocal is performed in a manic, uncontrolled style that seemed exciting and new at the time but is a bit blush-making now. Still these recordings capture some of the excitement we had for the process, and some early incarnations of some of our more durable songs.
- The drum and tambourine pattern that starts off the song and precedes the chorus is reminiscent of the intro to The Ronettes' 1963 single, "Be My Baby".
- This demo was also one of the first recordings to be put into rotation on Dial-A-Song[1].
Song Themes
Animals, Colors, Death, Games, Mind Control, Hypnotism, Music, References To Other Songs Or Musicians
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