
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes

all about me!

This user is 14 years old.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2023.

Guitar 45.gif This user plays guitar.


Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

Twoface.jpg This user doesn't know which John they prefer.

Factoryshowroom.jpg This user's favorite album is Factory Showroom.
Flood.png This user's favorite album is Flood.
FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is I'm Impressed.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Sapphire Bullets Of Pure Love.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is You Probably Get That A Lot.

Glasgow 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Glasgow.

LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding

hi, im chris! you can also call me mr. horrible, if you're feeling mean. ive been a casual listener of TMBG since 2019, but never fully got into them until recently in 2023.
im a cd collector, lover of vintage computers, and am a big fan all around of older tech. im also a bit of an html novice and longtime artist.
im quite the fan of userboxes, if you couldnt tell.

Mrhorrible's Collection