From This Might Be A Wiki
(Redirected from Starr Hill Music Hall)

Picture of Starr Hill Music Hall, taken by Ecks

Screenshot from the studio version's video
song name | Charlottesville |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Venue Songs, Charlottesville, VA September 24, 2004 |
year | 2004 |
first played | September 24, 2004 (23 known performances) |
run time | 1:53 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- Also known as Starr Hill Music Hall (in the original concert setlist).
- Venue song for the Starr Hill Music Hall.
- The line "Sell the house, sell the car, sell the kids" is a reference to the film Apocalypse Now.
Song Themes
Accents, Animals, Drinking, Occupations, Real Estate, Recursion, School, Supernatural, The Senses, Transportation, Venue Songs
Current Rating You must be logged in to rate this. You can either login (if you have a userid) or create an account with us today. Charlottesville is currently ranked #672 out of 1035. (22 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.89) |
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