TMBG Shows In Raleigh, NC

From This Might Be A Wiki
Date  VenueCityAttendance
1987-01-21The BreweryRaleigh, NCAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1988-06-29The BreweryRaleigh, NCAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1988-11-08The BreweryRaleigh, NCAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1995-02-19The RitzRaleigh, NCAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1997-04-09The RitzRaleigh, NCAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1999-09-11The RitzRaleigh, NCAttendance (3) 3 wikians attended: 3j0hn Jbullins Pjolly
2001-03-18The RitzRaleigh, NCAttendance (4) 4 wikians attended: 3j0hn Harringtonj85 Jbullins Pjolly
2002-04-02Lincoln TheatreRaleigh, NCAttendance (8) 8 wikians attended: 3j0hn Djunger Jbullins KALEB JAMES Kassi Lelegion PhillyCrow Pjolly
2004-09-27Lincoln TheatreRaleigh, NCAttendance (4) 4 wikians attended: 3j0hn Bryce Jbullins Pjolly
2009-09-19aJoseph M. Bryan Jr. Theater
(North Carolina Museum of Art - Family show)
Raleigh, NCAttendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Ciaoies Dunklekuh81 Jubilee Kassi Oldbie Saan1ty Tiggus
2009-09-19bJoseph M. Bryan Jr. Theater
(North Carolina Museum of Art)
Raleigh, NCAttendance (12) 12 wikians attended: AwkwardFire Ciaoies Dunklekuh81 Jnelson09 Kassi Keroberos324 OrangeCM Pjcommunists Pjolly RLJohYouDid Tempus TJDFett
2012-02-15Lincoln TheatreRaleigh, NCAttendance (11) 11 wikians attended: AwkwardFire BlueCanary Chiasmus Ciaoies Culled Duende Ferreteers Indie Cysion Johnreale Lekker Rsreale
2023-03-08The Ritz
(Featuring all of Flood)
Raleigh, NCAttendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Auburn-Cat043 Chesspieceface Culled DiscardedFalderal Hifivesoup Number1pinkalbumenjoyer Oldbie RabbiVole Stellub Superchime TheManWithManyNames WerewolfEmerson

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