
From This Might Be A Wiki
5 wikians attended: Graceomallet Mink Car PlayfairMoriarty Ramsobot Squidexplosion

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Acoustic set:

They Might Be Giants
— with Kate Miller, Redheaded Stepchild opening —
Buffalo Place in Buffalo, NY
August 22, 2002 at 5:00 PM

Fan Recaps and Comments:

John Flansburgh described this as "a very unusual show"[1] because they "played under umbrellas, in front of [the] bus, for a hundred or so soaking fans".

Mink Car:

You'll have to forgive me since this was such a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, they went on to do a soundcheck, and played She's An Angel. I got there during the song, but I remember being told they didn't do anything else. I think they had the next band(s) play, but it started raining intensely and the electrical equipment apparently had to be turned off and could not be turned back on safely, even after the rain stopped. I stuck around for a while by the bus, but wound up having to leave. I heard later to my dismay that they did wind up playing a small acoustic set of some kind, but I didn't get to see that.


I also waited outside the bus and got to see the acoustic set Mink Car mentioned. Writing now, I couldn't remember what songs they played, but I went to the archives and found the post I wrote that evening (edited slightly due to me being embarrassed by my teenage self): "Outside their bus and after 20 minutes or so They came out with Dan Miller and played "Maybe I Know, Istanbul, Meet James Ensor," and "New York City." I was INCHES away from Linnell. It was great. Someone yelled 'Play 'When it Rains it Snows!' and I heard Linnell ask Dan, 'Do you know that one?' to which Dan replied 'I've never even heard of that one...'"