
From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Selectionist"

song name Selectionist
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song (2018), My Murdered Remains, Some Murdered Remains
year 2018
run time 3:03
sung by Note.svg Instrumental


  • Video directed by Ajax Digital Design.
  • Features a sample of the first few seconds of the 1965 Cher song "Where Do You Go".
  • According to John Flansburgh in a 2024 Tumblr post, this song originated from a track called "Dawn Divine" that featured Mike Doughty[1][2] which was intended for Nanobots.[3]
  • The album version and the music video version are slightly different. The music video version is longer at 3:16 and contains some additional parts, but it lacks a synth at 1:21 (which corresponds to 1:07 of the album version), and the ending is 8 seconds shorter.
  • A significantly different version also exists, and was used for a tie-dye T-shirt merch video.

Song Themes

Songs With Samples


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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Selectionist is currently ranked #278 out of 1032. (47 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.64)