Fake Out In Buenos Aires

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Fake Out in Buenos Aires
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Then: The Earlier Years
year 1986
run time 1:48
sung by John Linnell and John Flansburgh


  • John Flansburgh on the song in a 1996 interview with ICE Magazine: "A magnificent piece of obscura. In fact, John and I had completely forgotten about it. It's very lush and slow and strange. We recorded it for our first album, but we kept it off because thought it would have appeared indulgent."
  • Flansburgh in a 1997 interview, on the song's theme:
We're kind of fascinated by the world of fakeness. We could try as hard as we could to be as slick as we could, and we wouldn't get any closer to it. All these ideas of authenticity or fakeness, they're interesting issues because if you look deep into your soul or you look deep into your TV, it ends up being the same thing for us.
  • The Then: The Earlier Years liner notes state that the song was "written in a heartbeat," and that it was one of the band's favorite unreleased early songs.

Song Themes

Cities, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Puns, Questions, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Title Not In Lyrics


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