Elusive Butterfly

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Elusive Butterfly
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased
year 2001
first played September 24, 1999 (21 known performances)
run time Clock.png This unreleased song has only been played live,
and therefore has no definitive run time.
sung by John Linnell


Bob Lind recorded a song that was ubiquitous in its day called "Elusive Butterfly of Love". It had a bit of mystery about it that made it stand apart, and it definitely spoke to the zeitgeist of that moment. It seems the song stuck in John Linnell's brain for the rest of time, and in our live show he would even bust into it in the middle of "Particle Man". To our genuine surprise, this momentary cover came to the attention of Bob Lind himself. He even came out to our show, shook our hands, and gave us some CDs of his current jazz music. At some point after, I did a deeper dive into his catalog and found this startling gem, "I Love to Sing". A few years later as we were doing shows for families, it seemed like a great introduction to the Deeply Felt Puppet Theater’s set.
  • A verse from "Elusive Butterfly" has also been inserted into "Doctor Worm" on at least two occasions: here and here.

Song Themes

Animals, Dreams, Love, TMBG Remakes


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