Talk:Songs Not On Streaming

From This Might Be A Wiki

New page[edit]

Hi! Here's a new page, and a quick FAQ:

  • Why are Mono Puff and John Linnell releases on here?
    Because TMBG's management has officially uploaded State Songs, Roman Songs, Unsupervised and It's Fun to Steal to Spotify/etc - but there are still missing songs from those catalogs.

  • Why aren't (The Mundanes/The Turtlenecks/etc) on here?
    Those came before TMBG and/or are outside the jurisdiction of TMBG management.

  • How about demo tapes, Dial-A-Song, etc?
    This page is meant to focus on the band's studio discography, and there's hundreds of songs technically missing from streaming if we expanded the criteria that much.

Hope this page ends up being helpful for fans trying to track down more of the band's catalog outside of what's on Spotify! -CapitalQtalk ♪ 16:05, 12 November 2021 (EST)

thankful for your service[edit]

Thankful For Your Service is on streaming services (as 3rd Amendment of course), but I can't figure out a way to format it to skip the 10th track on More Murdered Remains.--You&Me!! (talk) 15:02, 28 November 2021 (EST)

Thanks, I just added a note under the track so people don't miss it, since it's in the middle of the tracklist. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 13:31, 29 November 2021 (EST)

Include compilation tracks?[edit]

Not sure if you want to include compilation tracks, but some not on streaming include Sensurround (Soundtrack Version), Dr. Evil, Boss Of Me, Ram On, The Long Grift and Baroque Hoedown. -Joltman (talk) 12:34, 30 November 2021 (EST)

I certainly thought about including them - I'm just not sure if Various Artist comp tracks fit the current definition of the page (TMBG studio album/EP canon), and a couple of friends I asked thought it might be too much adding them. I'm not opposed if others think it's a good idea, though. -CapitalQtalk ♪ 12:58, 30 November 2021 (EST)