Tzion is a major fan of They Might Be Giants.
Biographical Information
Tzion was born on a dark and stormy night. It was 3:30 PM on the Twelveth of October in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-Nine.
The Middle Part
So far, this is the most dramatic part of Tzion's short life. Of course, his death could be even more eventful, but don't get your hopes up.
Introduction to They Might Giants
He was first introduced to them in elementary school when he heard his friend singing Istanbul, but didn't become a fan until 10th grade when another friend lent him a mix cd with several of their songs, including Dr. Worm, New York City, and Istanbul. His interest was piqued, and he soon bought a copy of A User's Guide. He has been an avid listener ever since.
Current observations indicate that this third and final stage of life is still far off. We'll keep you updated.
TMBG Favorites
- Favorite Songs: Birdhouse in Your Soul, Ana Ng, and Experimental Film.
- Favorite Album: Flood
- Favorite Band Member: John
Other Favorites
- Favorite Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Favorite TV Show: Family Guy
- Favorite book: Lord of the Rings (series)