User:Nascarbean 97

From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes
This user's favorite John is John.

Join Us.png This user's favorite album is Join Us.
WDTSS EP.png This user's favorite EP is Why Does The Sun Shine? .

This user's favorite Sate Song is Louisiana

In fact, this user was born in Louisiana.

This user lives in Vancouver, WA.

This user's favorite Venue Song is New Haven

Bass 45.gif This user plays bass.

Guitar 45.gif This user plays guitar.

This user's favorite non-TMBG band is The Aquabats!

skin This user uses monobook.

Hey there.

I'm Jaydn Turley. I am pretty tmbg obsessed. I make my own music and films too. And edit this wiki. That's ryan: CapmR