Talk:Power Of Dial-A-Song

From This Might Be A Wiki

I uploaded some mp3s over at maybe I'll make a better website sometime. Sorry. I don't have all of them there. I will later --liam 18:48, 1 May 2006 (CDT)

I'm curious is the sound quality there is the same as on the original bootleg or if it gets messy when ripped? Also, are there any legal ramifications of uploading the songs from a bootleg? I'd assume not, like DAS. --Lucretius

More please. :( - extrafacelol

Cover Art

I was the creator of the cover art for the Power of Dial-a-Song cassette back in 1994. I dug out the tape and scanned the artwork in honor of TMBG Awareness Day. It's not a great scan, and the insert in my tape is actually a photocopy of the original. I'll have to dig deeper and see if I have a first-generation copy. Any floppy disk that held the original PageMaker files is probably long gone! Thanks to Antgeth for helping conform my first contribution to the wiki. Long time reader, first time poster, etc. --Minerwerks 05:53, 28 April 2011 (UTC)

if you find anything better, would you mind letting me know? i do a bit of scan-improvement and would love to try to improve any image you can get out of the original. (of course, if you can find the floppy that'd be even better!). anyway, glad to have you around! --ant 05:57, 28 April 2011 (UTC)