Talk:Call You Mom

From This Might Be A Wiki

I Am A Human Head

Is it just me, or does the "I'm gonna dress her in a sailor suit..." part sound a lot like the "Friend, no / Head, no"... part of "I Am A Human Head", melodywise? (or, if not that, another TMBG song?) ~ veggieman 11:01, 12 December 2012 (EST)

You make an interesting point. However, I think when you've written as many songs as these guys have, there will inevitably be some similarities, whether intentional or not. Comparisons are fun for megafans like us but ultimately don't really serve much purpose. This song is about such a different topic from I Am A Human Head (not to mention it was a dozen years ago) that any sonic resemblance is likely coincidental. By the way, I dig both songs too. :-) --MisterMe 11:51, 12 December 2012 (EST)
Yeah, I hear similar, um...similiarities. Also, their outros are of nearly the same composition. Eh, it happens; think of popular songs from the fifties. Great tune(s), regardless. :) --RonAmoriM 14:57, 15 December 2012 (EST)
Following up RonAmoriM's comment, I read up on "Rock Around the Clock," one of the first-ever rock'n'roll songs. Check out the history of the song and how many different tunes it was based on, some uncredited. --MisterMe 09:54, 3 January 2013 (EST)
You know I thought the Human Head thing to, and now I think this: the song I am a Human Head started out as I Am A Human Head, but then evolved into this song, but J. Linnell didn't know that at the time. It seems like a super empty nest thing to do, but the more I listen the more I hear it. —Preceding unsigned comment added by WhatTheHeckLinnell (talkcontribs) 13:09, 3 January 2013 --WhatTheHeckLinnell 10:50, 4 January 2013 (EST)