Last Wave

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Last Wave"

song name Last Wave
artist They Might Be Giants
releases I Like Fun
year 2017
first played May 9, 2024 (1 known performance)
run time 3:24
sung by John Linnell, John Flansburgh


  • "Last Wave" was originally written by watching the 1986 Aerosmith/Run-DMC music video "Walk This Way" on mute and trying to write a song that corresponded to it, which accounts for many of the surreal lyrics. John Linnell explains in a June 2018 podcast interview for Consequence of Sound's This Must Be the Gig:

The other thing we've been doing in [our live] show is projecting this video. I will tell you now—it's no longer a secret. The visual part of it is a music video from the 1980s of Aerosmith and Run-DMC performing the song "Walk This Way", but the music is completely different. It's just a song that we wrote that exactly matches the movements and the lips of the characters on screen, but is a completely new and different composition, called "Last Wave."

  • The original recording of this song that syncs up with the "Walk This Way" music video was later released on My Murdered Remains as the "Alternative Version." The I Like Fun album version of this song is a completely different recording made after, but released first.
  • This song was first included in the downloadable Up To Date compilation on November 29, 2017, but was quickly removed. It then saw official release on YouTube a few days later on December 1, in advance of I Like Fun.

Song Themes

Body Parts, Death, Food, Lies And Deception, Loneliness, No, Occupations, Questions, Space, Temperature, Transportation, Water


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Last Wave is currently ranked #104 out of 1018. (123 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.96)