
From This Might Be A Wiki

Interpretation 1

Some squirrels are cold and they have a lot of acorns. What do they do? They buy a T-Shirt with the acorns. They also use it so that the other squirrels can find them in the tree. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:05, May 2, 2005

Interpretation 2

The first interpretation is a restatement of the literal meaning of the lyrics, which I take to mean that he/she feels the song has no meanings over and above the literal.

I can see, besides the absurd literal meaning, a parent talking about providing for his family. He gathers acorns(money) and stores them, saves half for food (immediate necessities) and spends the other half on something nice and comforting for his babies. I had no problem seeing this being a made-up off-the-cuff bedtime story a Dad tells his kid. In fact, it reads incredibly like a made-up story my mother would have told us.

It reminds me very much of "House At the Top of A Tree," in that it's about living in trees, and has a silly bedtime story feel. Also, it is recursive in an escherian sort of way - a squirrel with a tee shirt of himself in a tree, just like in H@TTOAT, a mouse is in a loop involving potato chips brought to him by a dog to prevent the mouse from getting nervous about an empty bag of chips. ~Christina Miller Sept 2005

Linnell recursion FTW!

Try to wrap your mind around how the squirrel got its image on the T-shirt, which presumably has an image of the squirrel wearing the T-shirt, which itself probably has an image of the squirrel wearing the T-shirt, which then also has an image of the squirrell wearing the T-shirt...It's driving me nuts. But then again, it probably cost him a lot of nuts to produce the T-shirt, more than the tree could ever produce. He's an absurd entrepreneurial recursive squirrel. (Awesome assonance abounds!) --MisterMe 11:10, 5 February 2013 (EST)