Interpretations:I Never Go To Work
- Song
- Lyrics
- Interpretations
- Credits
- Guitar Tab
- Bass Tab
- Chronology
When addicted, you have a condition where you only live to please your lymbic system (the pleasure center of your brain). This is called "Developmental Delay". Teenagers are prone to this, only doing what they want to do. You can ask any high school counselor, and they will tell you that drug users have poor attendance, poor grades, and are usually never involved in extracurriculars. This all ties together because the singer only wants to practice his trumpet, which could be a metaphor for anything. Because of this, his attendance suffers and he rationalizes his behavior. This is also a classic sign of addiction.--tehbagel 15:18, 5 Apr 2006 (CDT)
Although not written by tmbg, this does fit nicely into their many songs relating to an aversion to work ~ Anklepants
It's only a folk song of a guy who doesn't go to work (For the comedy of it all). Not much more to it.
I would say that not going to work is an easy target for the empathy of many people, especially children, whom this song is aimed towards. Not to mention that such a near-universal feeling is an easy tie-in to knowledge of the days. This song is a good mnemonic by being catchy and having just enough plot to get kids hooked but not enough to get the focus away from the learning. MToolen 03:16, 29 July 2008 (UTC)
The narrator works as a trumpet player, but he loves his job so it doesn't seem like work.
It seems like the narrator's making excuses not to go to work. Doesn't it? -- Buzzmusic100 ("Keep your voice down...")
the song above
this wonderful song has a rythm that catch us and just release until the end. I like it for my three and a half kid.
It's a catchy song to teach kids the days of the week.
Altering lyrics
As a teacher I have used this awesome song to teach days of the week. However, I work at a Jewish school where Sunday is not the "day of rest" so I admit to altering the lyrics by day shifting. Keep singing...