You'll Miss Me (Demo 2)

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(Redirected from You'll Miss Me (1985 Demo))

song name You'll Miss Me
artist They Might Be Giants
releases 1985 Demo Tape, Dial-A-Song, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024 (as "You'll Miss Me [version 1]")
year 1985
run time 1:53
sung by John Flansburgh


  • This version is quite different than the later re-recording for Lincoln. This version is much faster and more skeletal than the re-recording, based mainly on a repetitive drumbeat. Also, John Flansburgh raps in his normal voice and practically whispers the lyrics. It also contains two lyrical variations near the end: "You'll miss me, but I'm already dead" and "I look up and I don't see a cloud...anywhere."
  • Flansburgh would describe this recording in a 2024 IFC email:
This synth heavy version of "You’ll Miss Me" was the first full-blown recording of the song we did and, personally, to my ear, I find the smooth vibe of the recording holds up to repeated listening better − but of course your mileage might vary.

Song Themes

Animals, Body Parts, Clothes, Criminal Activities, Death, Egoism And Pretentiousness, Epistolary Songs, Fire, Holidays, Love Gone Sour, Money, Occupations, Real Estate, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Size, Space, Tableware, Trees And Other Plants, Weather


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You'll Miss Me (Demo 2) is currently ranked #458 out of 1034. (19 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.37)