Wind Chime
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Wind Chime |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Apollo 18 Retail Promo |
year | 1992 |
run time | 0:19 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- You can't create a masterpiece dabbling in finger-paints: this sorry excuse for a song is an example of how other bands get the idea of the Power Spheres completely wrong.
- Compare this to the far superior "Integrity Project", from which this song borrows its melody.
- Ironically, this song contains no wind chimes.
- Created for the video made to promote Apollo 18 in 1992.
- John and John had previously expressed that songs centered on lyrics like "tonight!" and "into the night!" [1] are antithetical to their songwriting ethos, which is on display here in their example of a bad song.
Song Themes
Falsetto, Recycled Material, Time
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