
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes
Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

Linnell 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Linnell.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 1989/2002.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Birdhouse in Your Soul.

WEB This user has a website.

Babel keyboard.jpg This user plays keyboard.

Ryukochan wants to know why They've never played OKC

Some Other Artists I Dig: Ben Folds, Polyphonic Spree, REM, The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Rufus Wainwright, Morcheeba, Pavement, U2, Rush, The Descendants, you get the gist. . . if it's listenable, I'll give it a listen.

The keyboard babel over there is misleading, unless staggeringly, haltingly making my way through a few years of piano lessons and two college juries counts. I am a dabbler, not a pianist.

The whole new generation waiting to be rocked by TMBG has two representatives at my house - a four year old who sings Dr. Worm while she digs in my garden, and a two year old who sings QU and warbles along on Istanbul any time he hears it.