The Leonard Lopate Show Theme

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name The Leonard Lopate Show Theme
artist They Might Be Giants
releases The Leonard Lopate Show Single
year 2002
first played February 25, 2003 (1 known performance)
run time 3:11
sung by Note.svg Instrumental


  • This song was available on a CD single, if you ponied up a $50 donation to WNYC.
  • From WNYC's website, "With its catchy rumba rhythms and space-age sound effects, the Leonard Lopate Show theme could only have come from They Might be Giants. The Brooklyn-based duo was asked to compose a theme specifically for the show after making prior guest appearances. Since it made its debut in the spring of 2002, listeners have often been intrigued by the song's unusual instrumentation. "That's a real alto saxophone and a real violin, although both have been digitally messed with to make the dramatic pitch bends," says John Linnell, the accordion playing half of They Might be Giants. "The other sounds are a drum loop, a synth bass and an electric piano. It's hard to play this kind of music live, although once in Italy I saw a slide saxophone someone had custom built, which would probably do the job."
  • The Leonard Lopate Show stopped using this theme in 2006.

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