Talk:The Fellowship Of Hell
Normally, I would be annoyed when a new talk page is created, because I get excited when there's a new page, but then disappointed to find it was only a talk page, and that it was made by the guy who's been making so many lately (there are a couple of users like that), considering how many have been created lately, but I do have something to say about this song. I've always thought of it as a movement to an "American Idiot"-style suite. You know They Might Be Giants has never made a suite before? They make so many little songs but never combine them. "Fingertips" is the closest, but more of a medley than a suite. We should make our own little suites from already-existing TMBG songs. That's like a thing that the TMBG subreddit would do. I don't have a Reddit account, but someone with one should suggest it. invisiblehippo97 11:22, 15 February 2014 (CST)