Talk:TMBG Found In Animutations

From This Might Be A Wiki

Is there anybody on the wiki that wants to do a TMBG flash collab? - AtionSong 15:14, 28 May 2006 (CDT)

Is this worth keeping?[edit]

I question the importance of this page. Anyone want to make a justification for why we should keep it? --Duke33 14:09, 23 July 2013 (EDT)

i've got mixed feelings. i think this genre of animation was popular at the time of the page's creation, but it's now passed into relative obscurity. even so, it was a big thing at one point and TMBG was related to its establishment. not to mention, neil cicierega is a pretty big deal in many internet circles. it certainly wouldn't be the silliest content hosted on the wiki. but it is pretty silly. in conclusion, i dunno. -Apollo (colloquia!) 17:53, 23 July 2013 (EDT)
I think that despite the fact that it was fairly popular and is notable historically, They Might Be Giants don't really have that much to do with it and there's not really that much information on the page, due to there only being five animutations (according to the page itself) where the Johns appear and only one where TMBG are the main focus. In addition, most of the page's content is copied verbatim from Wikipedia. I don't really think we should keep it. ~ veggieman 18:25, 23 July 2013 (EDT)
yikes, it's even an orphan...okay i'm sold. and maybe i'm just overly attached to the phrase "They Might Be Giants pop up with a disconcerting frequency in the genre". i think it would be good to find some place for what little original content the page contains (and perhaps a screencap), and delete the page itself — though i'm not sure what place would be best. this day in tmbg history, maybe? -Apollo (colloquia!) 18:33, 23 July 2013 (EDT)